Sports play an important role in the physical development of the students. Equal emphasis is
laid on sports and games along with academics. Students are encouraged to participate and excel
in sports in order to provide relaxation, channelise their energy, nurture competitive spirit, enhance
team spirit and achieve leadership qualities.
Objectives of the department:
The department was established with the following objectives.
- Development of wholesome personality of all the students in sports and games
- Preparation of college teams for the inter college and university tournaments in different events.
- Organization of intra college competitions between different departments to provide opportunity for all the students in various sports and games
- To provide conducive environment/physical facilities where students will participate in various sports and games.
- Prepare a sport calendar/ Programme for the students and implement it
- Plan and supervise students’ sports.
- Procure sport equipment and kit.
- Maintenance and repair of sport facilities.
- Organize captains’ seminars.
- Organize local and National fixture for the students.
Indoor Facilities:
- Table Tennis
- Chess
- Carom boards
Outdoor Facilities:
- 1 Cesto ball court
- 2 Throw ball court
- 2 Volley ball courts
- 1 Basket ball court
- 1 Hand ball court
- 1 Ball badminton court
- 1 Kabaddi court
- 1 Cricket field
- 1 Foot ball court
- 2 Cricket practice nets
- One 200 mts track
A Sports Committee is constituted to look after the Sports affairs in the college.